When you choose an insurance company, you expect them to help you if needed—to cover what you’ve paid for and protect you.
Is your insurance company in bad faith?
Hurricane Irma spikes insurance claims, fraud and abuse rates
Hurricane Irma continues to cause dread and concern for homeowners who are dealing with the aftermath of damages left to their homes. This time it involves a steeper climb in insurance rates along with higher reports of fraud and abuse by insurance companies. An assignment of benefits (AOB) is a prominent reason. Fraudulent insurance claims in southern Florida have been a growing problem since 2006 and have significantly increased within the past ten years.
Widows can go to battle for denied life insurance
The loss of a spouse is utterly heartbreaking. While you emotionally suffer this tragedy, the pragmatic side of you might also worry about finances. If you depended on your spouse’s income, this heartache could accompany panic about how you will survive.
Cleaning up the mess from broken pipes
A burst water pipe is an unwelcome surprise for any home or business owner, and an expensive one at that. Depending where the pipe is located and how quickly you identify the problem, it will damage far more than just your plumbing. Walls, floors, fixtures and more are vulnerable. With broken pipes, it's not just about fixing your plumbing, but also the damage it caused.
Are Property Insurance Rates Increasing Due To Fraud?
Residential and commercial insurance rates are on the rise throughout Florida. Some homeowners insurance providers have increased their rates by as much as 16 percent.