The Law Office of James C. Spitz
Florida Legal Counsel With Decades Of Insurance Law Experience

A Note from Attorney Spitz...

Dealing With an Insurance Company After a Claim:

You need to understand how an insurance company makes money. Your insurance company makes money by investing the premiums that you pay for your insurance policy and therefore it is to its benefit to delay the payment of your claim as long as possible. The insurance company's claims adjusters are trained to reduce claims as much as possible. It is their job to make sure that their company pays as little as possible for your claim.

Lawyers who handle insurance claims may be paid on a contingency fee basis. Therefore, it may be tempting for a client (the insured) to avoid paying a portion of the settlement to the lawyer by trying to handle the claim themselves. Unfortunately, clients are not experienced concerning the value of their claim and it becomes penny-wise and pound-foolish and to try and represent yourself in such a claim. In fact, having previously represented insurance companies, we can tell you that insurance companies absolutely discount your claim far below what its true value would be if you hired a lawyer because it knows how it can take advantage of an unrepresented victim.

This results in the claim settling for either an insignificant amount, or much less than the claim's true value. While your insurance company knows the law, often the layperson does not. An insurance adjuster is quite experienced in knowing how to emphasize the weaknesses of your claim while diminishing the claim's potential value. Having spent nearly the past three decades in handling insurance claims, we are quite familiar with the tricks of an insurance company. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you retain an experienced lawyer to represent you in an insurance claim.

Do Not Challenge A Denied Insurance Claim Alone

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