The Law Office of James C. Spitz
Florida Legal Counsel With Decades Of Insurance Law Experience

Ready To Help With Your Health Or Life Insurance Claim

People trust their health and life insurance companies to assist them in their time of need. Unfortunately for the insured, insurance providers are businesses and they make money by denying or devaluing valid claims while still collecting premium payments. Often, insurance companies do not have their insureds' best interests in mind. If your health or life insurance company has wrongfully denied your claim, The Law Office of James C. Spitz will represent you. We aggressively fight insurance companies to obtain appropriate coverage and compensation for our clients.

Our Palm Beach County law firm helps individuals and their families throughout Florida obtain the insurance coverage to which they are entitled from their life and health insurance policies. Attorney James C. Spitz has practiced insurance law for nearly 30 years and understands the tricks insurance companies may use to deny valid claims.

We Are Skilled In Denied Health Claims And Insurance Bad Faith

As the price of health care continues to rise, sick and injured people are facing more wrongfully denied claims. A wrongfully denied health insurance claim can cost a family thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in medical fees.

We will represent you with your claim against your insurance company and work to get you the proper coverage to which you are entitled. Attorney James C. Spitz has recovered tens of millions of dollars in unpaid claims for his clients over his career. Mr. Spitz will review your insurance policy and fight to get you the proper medical coverage.

Get Legal Counsel For Your Life Insurance Policy Dispute

The death of a loved one is the most difficult experience for a family. That is why a denied life insurance claim is so devastating. Families use the money from their life insurance policy for funeral preparations and to ease the burden of a loss. Our lawyer will assist you in getting full payment for your family's life insurance policy.

We represent clients on a contingency fee basis. This means that unless we win compensation for your claim, you will not owe us any attorney fees. This fee structure allows us to help our clients to obtain the compensation to which they are entitled without upfront costs.

Our knowledgeable attorney will review your wrongfully denied health or life insurance claim for free. To schedule your no-cost evaluation, call 561-678-0349 or email us your claim details.

Do Not Challenge A Denied Insurance Claim Alone

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