The Law Office of James C. Spitz
Florida Legal Counsel With Decades Of Insurance Law Experience

Resolving Conflicts Over Homeowners Insurance

When your homeowners insurance company refuses to honor a claim for damage to your property, you have options. At The Law Office of James C. Spitz, in Palm Beach County, Florida, we represent clients whose claims have been denied, whose claims are not being paid at full value or who are facing delays.Image

Using Nearly 30 Years Of Experience To Fight For Our Clients

Our founder, attorney James C. Spitz, has been representing clients since 1988. You can focus on getting your home back in order while James and the rest of our staff take the fight to your insurance provider on your behalf.

We will take care of every aspect of your claim until we reach the best possible resolution for you. We can help you with any type of claim on your homeowners insurance policy, whether it is:

Before starting his own law firm serving clients throughout Palm Beach County and South Florida, James C. Spitz worked as a lawyer for insurance companies. He knows the tricks insurers use to save money, and he uses his knowledge to serve the victims of insurance bad faith, helping them take effective action in Florida courts.

To prevent homeowners insurance claim disputes, it is a good idea to keep thorough records. Take an inventory of your large purchases and keep important receipts. Put the records in a safe place where you can easily find them.

What To Expect When You Contact Us

At our Palm Beach County law firm, representation begins with a free and confidential consultation. We ask our clients to gather the relevant documents available to them — such as insurance policies, property damage estimates and photos. We then sit down and talk with you about your insurance claim issues, developing a plan of action to achieve the best possible result.

To get started, contact The Law Office of James C. Spitz for a free initial consultation. Call us at 561-678-0349 or contact us online. We offer convenient hours to meet your needs, including evenings and weekends.

Do Not Challenge A Denied Insurance Claim Alone

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