The Law Office of James C. Spitz
Florida Legal Counsel With Decades Of Insurance Law Experience

Life Insurance Claim Denial Lawyer

Has your claim for life insurance benefits been delayed or denied? One thing you should not have to deal with when mourning the loss of a loved one is fighting your insurance company for benefits that you deserve.


The Law Office of James C. Spitz in Palm Beach County, Florida,represents life insurance beneficiaries and their family members who have not only suffered the devastation of losing a loved one, but who have further suffered the indignity of having their insurance claim wrongfully denied.

For help dealing with a claim issue, call a Palm Beach County life insurance claim denial attorney at 561-678-0349.

We Can Help You Take Action For A Denied Life Insurance Claim

Once you make a claim for life insurance benefits, the insurance company will likely engage in post-claim underwriting. In reality, it is looking for any reason not to pay your claim. The insurance company will first require you to sign various medical releases so it can obtain all the medical records of the deceased.

Insurance companies will then hope to find any "inconsistencies" between any previous medical information that the decedent provided when first completing the application for life insurance, with any information his/her doctors may have placed within the medical records, hoping to use any inconsistency as a basis for denying your entire claim.

Remember, insurance companies have a strong financial incentive to find any reason to deny your claim. Therefore, insurance companies look for any reason to rescind a life insurance policy, which means the insurer merely refunds the original premium payment — rather than paying you the full value of the life insurance policy.

We can help you by representing your legal interests so you can obtain the full value of all life insurance benefits to which you are entitled. Our firm is available to represent you on a contingency fee basis, whereby we either represent you based upon a percentage of a recovery or your attorney's fees and costs may be obtainable directly from the insurance company pursuant to Florida Statutes, which provides that an insured entitled to receive attorney's fees and costs be paid if an insurance company denies coverage, when the insured/beneficiary prevails in litigation.

Contact A Life Insurance Dispute Lawyer For A Free Consultation

When a problem leads to legal action, fight back. Contact a West Palm Beach life insurance dispute attorney for a free initial consultation. Call us at 561-678-0349 or contact our law firm online. We offer convenient hours to meet your needs, including evenings and weekends.

Do Not Challenge A Denied Insurance Claim Alone

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